Fabric handbag factory in Guangzhou in Iraq is set to send the design, production and sales of professional luggage handbag factory. Factory since the brand launched in 2002 'in Iraq to send "fashion handbags for women since the time just a few years has rapidly been recognized by domestic consumers in general and love, and are exported to Southeast Asia countries and regions. Factory near the existing staff 300 people and has a highly educated high-quality management and design team. mu factory covers an a...
Company: |
Iraq to send handbag factory in Guangzhou
Contact: |
Mr. yu chen |
Address: |
Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Town, Industrial Zone lion ling |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
020-22681189 |
Fax: |
020-86998588 |
E-mail: |